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What is kyoto wakon?

We Are University Students.

Hi, we are students of Doshisha University in Kyoto  and members of a project to spread the attraction of Kyoto Wakon to the world. To acieve that vision, we have conducted a event and wedding photography plan for people from overseas. Adding to these, to let evryone in the world know about "Kyoto Wakon", we created this website.

This website is for everyone those who want to know about "Kyoto Wakon(Japanese style wedding culture )".


What Is "Kyoto Wakon"?

"Wakon" means "Japanese style wedding" in Japanese such as a ceremony and photography which features Japanese culture and tradition. "Kyoto Wakon" is those which held in nature and cityscape of Kyoto.

It Is For Everyone


Now, not much people from other countries know about wakon. According to the survey we counducted toward tourists, 40% of them didn't recognisze it. Adding to that, although many think it is beautiful, some said "It's too formal" and "It looks hard to do".

However, wakon is for everyone. There are so many photography and ceremony plans for people from other countries due to expantion of markets. If you want, you don't have to dress and make up like traditional Japanese style. You do not need to worry about a language barrier and religion problems.

Wearing a beautiful kimono with your beloved one and celebrate a new life will be your golden memory. Know about this wonderful culture here.

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Doshisha University Project-Based Learning "2018年度あなたがプロデュース!KYOTO和婚を世界に発信プロジェクト” All Rights Reserved. 26/10/2018~31/3/2019

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