HI, I'm a student of Doshisha University in Kyoto. If you take a closer look at Kimono, there are various types of patterns and interesting details. I'm going to let you know about some of them.
Photos in this article are of actual kimonos which are created by accomplished craftsmen in Kyoto.
Patterns of Japanese Animals

There are some patterns that is a motif of some animals in Japanese traditional patterns. People used to consider these animals were messengers of a god and bring good news to bride and groom. These animals also symbolize the seasons, it's is important to use the patten during their relevant seasons because a sense of the season is very important in the Japanese traditional color. Each animal has a specific meaning. For example, crane is a symbol of longevity and regarded as lucky animal.
Patterns of Traditional Japanese Tools

These are the tool which are motif of daily necessities such as box to hold letters, formal folding fan(Hiougi), and ox-drawn carriage(Goshoguruma). For example, fans are spreading out so it means lucky and getting more and more prosperous endlessly. Goshoguruma is also good for the pattern because only royals used to get on it.

Patterns of Japanese plants

These patterns are based on motifs of plants. Plants’ pattern exists everywhere in the world, but Japan has many kinds of patterns which are reflects the variety of four seasons. "Shochikubai"(pine tree, bamboo, plum) are three popular plants for Japanese traditional patterns. For example, pine tree keeps immutability of its appearance through a year, and also the long tree age is symbol of longevity. Also these three are all resistant to cold and known as the three "friends of winter."

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